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LED Street Lights

This page details the steps your community needs to take to get Clean Energy Communities certification for this Action Item by NYSERDA and how Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council (G/FLRPC) can assist you. As the Finger Lakes Clean Energy Coordinator, we are available to help you through any step in this process. Please email Rob Richardson if you have any questions or need assistance.   

  1. Decide How to Complete Project

There are a few different approaches a municipality can take to completing this item. First, if the municipality doesn’t own them already, they can choose to purchase their streetlights. In doing this, they would assume the maintenance of the streetlights moving forward. If a municipality wants to pursue this path, there are several options to fund the project such as a performance contract or the New York Power Authority’s (NYPA) Smart Street Lighting NY Program.

Municipalities can also reach out to their utility provider (NYSEG, RG&E, National Grid) and request they upgrade their community’s lights to LED Fixtures. This usually requires the municipality to cover the remaining useful life in the existing fixtures, and keeps the maintenance responsibilities with the utility provider.

  1. Complete the Project

To earn credit for an LED Streetlight Conversion in the CEC Program, a municipality must replace 50% of its total Streetlights. To meet the requirements of this action item, at least 50% of your municipality's cobra head style lights must be upgraded to LED technology. If you have fewer than 20 lights, you must upgrade a minimum of 10 of them. If you have fewer than 10, you are not eligible for this Action Item. 

  1. Submit to NYSERDA

Upgrade your streetlights and document them in the attached LED Street Light Calculator.

Once you have upgraded 50% or a minimum of 10, whichever is greater, you can submit the calculator through the NYSERDA Submission Portal. If you have any questions or run into issues submitting an HIA, please contact  the CEC Coordinator Rob Richardson at
